
The Dream of Podgringian

A dream of spume and sea fizz.

A dream of spume and sea fizz.

Podgringian had a dream. And it was a dream of spume and sea fizz. And in that dream were forty slimy fishes surfing on the crests of waves, and on the backs of the fishes rode forty glittering starfish, and on the backs of the starfish dwelt forty briny crabs. And on the backs of the crabs sat forty learned cockles. And the cockles spoke, and the sound was the mighty word of the Lord:

A flood is coming, Podgringian. Prepare thyself. So sayeth the learned cockles of the Lord.

And Podgringian woke and found his hand resting in warm water and his bed as the salty sea. And not once did Podgringian discover how this came to pass. But Mild Nidoras knew.