
Jarvid Clut

A Scene from Zoot Suit Dispute

A scene from 'Zoot Suit Dispute'

Stenographic Dramatologist

(Arts Review, 21 October 2007)

In 1998, Jarvid Clut staged a play entirely composed of the overheard voices from a meat packing plant recreation room and performed entirely by natural, talentless actors. The movement known as Stenographic Dramatology was born.

The work, Gristle Fillet, was an overnight sensation. The critics were unanimous:

By 2004, Clut had created over five original dramatic masterpieces, all hewn straight from the clay that can be called the mouths of actual people.

In 2007, in celebration of his recent lifetime achievement award, and in the year of his thirtieth birthday, we reprint a selection of his most challenging works. Sometimes tender, sometimes savage, always uncompromising, the plays contain some material which readers may find intimidatingly intelligent, fiercely important and terrifyingly prescient.

Cupboard Love

Zoot Suit Dispute

Thimble Museum

Snuffed Love